Thursday, October 13, 2011

Literacy Naratives

1) Multimodal Literacy Narrative (by Scannell)
2)Digital Literacy Narrative (by Andfull)
3) Words, Magic (by Truaman)
4) Digital Litearcy Narrative (by Peyton)
5)Literacy Narrative (by Wooten)

Above are the texts that were analysed.

I liked the Words, Magic one the best, you saw how it started, how it ended, and I think it was a concious choice to leave the beginning raw as it were.  My least favorite was the second Digital Literacy narrative by Andfull.  I felt like she could have done a better job with the narration, and I understand now that it was a template, but the film strip didn't have anything to do with her topic of books for children.  As for the first one by Scannell, I didn't like the beginning, the words went too quickly to read about about 4 minutes in I started to get bored at the repetition involved in the story telling.  The fourth was all right, I'm glad that he recognized that the audience couldn't read his screen and so he subtitled it.   By the same toke, the fifty by Wooten was ok, but it was a little sarcastic, and made it difficult to take him seriously.

Thinks that I looked for was:
1. readability/clarity of any text/graphics
2, conciseness/cohesiveness of message
3. ability to keep the audience's interest - effective use of time

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Peer review

place holder for future blog

Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty

For my analysis, I've decided not to look at 5 texts from different sources, but 5 different texts used by the same company.  Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty started in 2004 and I will be analyzing the different texts used to relay their message and their effectiveness.

This ad gives you a choice: wrinkled, or wonderful?   With the line beneath it "Will society ever accept 'old' can be beautiful?  Join the discussion."
Dove is trying to provoke discussion, and challenge the norms followed by typical advertising.

This is a video for the same campaign showing the process it takes from photo shoot to billboard.  

I like this last advertisment because in this first still frame the use of alignment is really important.  This woman thinks she's fat, but in reality she isn't, it's her fear that's filling up the rest of the frame.

ix: tutorials

Placeholder, info coming soon.